Having been riding around London for a few months now, it has given me the chance to see just who are the worst drivers. No it's not women as most people assume, in fact there isn't one "worst driver" there are three so here they are in no particular order:
BMW DRIVERS - OK so it appears that perfectly normal people turn into complete cocks when they get behind the wheel of a BMW. When I see a BMW I know that at some point it is going to do something stupid, cut across lanes, go through red lights turn right/left when there are no right/left turns, speed away at the lights or try to race someone. There isn't a age limit on BCS (that's BMW COCK SYNDROME), I always thought that it would be young people but no it seems to be any age and in fact middle aged men (who are maybe having a mid-life crisis) do seem to be the worst.
CYCLISTS - Now I know that cyclists are trying to do their bit for the environment/save money/get fit, but really do they have to ride like they have a death wish????? if anyone reading this rides a bike let me give you a little hint RED LIGHTS MEAN STOP!!!!! they don't take any notice of the rules of the road and yet seem to think they own them, when I'm on my scooter I have to watch out for them because however stupid or dangerous BMW drivers are cyclists are much much worse. The tax payer is having to fund road changes because there have been a few deaths on the streets of London of cyclists, but maybe the money would be better spent teaching these people how to ride safely rather than on modifying roundabouts, or maybe there should be some form of licensing so that these idiots can be fined or prosecuted for dangerous drivers.
ADDISON LEE DRIVERS - Well I'm saving my best till last, what can I say about these Muppet's that hasn't already been said? I have no idea why their people carriers have wing mirrors they never get used, apparently Garmin are bringing out a special Addison Lee sat-nav, it has extra large maps, speaks very very slowly and the voice is available in any language apart from English!!!!!!. Regardless of the poor service that they provide their customers, the over charging, the fact they are out scabbing of a weekend, and the fact they have no idea where they are going, all of this pales into insignificance when you are stuck behind them and they just cut you up, nearly hit you, stop on red routes and just stop anywhere they feel like.
So there you have it my top three idiot drivers in London, I'm sure you all have your faves feel free to comment, until next time stay safe and be lucky.
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